Are you stressed? Four herbs that fight it and improve sleep


Discover natural ways to relieve severe stress and anxiety disorders, giving yourself relaxation and better sleep

The anxiety it is now a daily occurrence, with people eagerly looking for all kinds of ways to combat it, relax and feel better. Others turn to physical methods, such as yoga and breathing exercises, while some follow the more active way of medicinal solutions. The anti-anxiety drugshowever, like any kind medicinescontain unwanted side effects, unpleasant for anyone who encounters them.

So if you want to try more natural ways to fight stress, free from side effects, you can look to herbs like chamomile, valerian and more for the solution, according to Dr. Debra Rose Wilson, professor at Austin Peay State University.

Each herb affects the body in different ways. For example, some work by lowering blood levels cortisol, the stress hormone. Long-term exposure to high levels of circulating cortisol increases the risk of developing chronic stress.

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Other herbs help establish one feeling of relaxation, changing signal processing in the brain. For example, extracts of valerian root modify the receptors G-aminobutyric acid in the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of anxiety. Many also claim that anxiolytic herbs such as valerian root can also help with sleep-related problems.

Some herbs that help relieve stress:


A small 2016 clinical trial investigated the efficacy and safety of chamomile as a long-term treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). All 93 participants received 1,500 mg of chamomile daily for 12 weeks. After this period, some continued to take chamomile for 26 weeks, while the rest were given a placebo. The researchers observed that, after 12 weeks, participants who continued to take chamomile were similarly likely to experience a recurrence of their anxiety disorder symptoms compared to those who received the placebo, however, in cases of recurrence, the symptoms were less severe.

In some cases, consumption of chamomile may cause an allergic reaction, especially if it interacts with certain medicinal substances, such as warfarin and the cyclosporine.


People have been using it for centuries valerian to treat a range of sleep problems, anxiety and depression. According to several studies, valerian is shown to be able to calm feelings of anxiety, while it appears to be beneficial in several pathological conditions related to the nervous system. The benefit of this herb is primarily attributed to the action of valerenic acid, as well as the enhanced activity of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which contributes to relaxation and stress relief. Among other things, it is most likely to help people with mild to moderate insomnia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).


There are many who use it lavender to calm their nervous system and relieve stress, either in the form of a drink or in the form of an essential oil. Lavender essential oil (LEO) contains chemicals called terpenes. A 2017 review showed that two of these terpenes, the linalool and linalyl acetatehave a calming effect on chemical receptors in the brain, suggesting that the oil provides an effective short-term treatment for anxiety disorders.


It is a family of plants with about 550 different species. Passionflower increases GABA levels in the brain, promoting relaxation. Some studies show that one particular species, P. incarnata, available in tablet form or as a liquid tincture, may be effective in treating anxiety and nervousness. One study found that preoperative use of the herb reduced anxiety in patients about to undergo surgery. Another study in rodents showed that the plant reduced anxiety and improved memory within four weeks.

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