Prostate Cancer: Fusion biopsy for accuracy and safety in diagnosis

[ad_1] Mr. Nikolaos A. Kostakopoulos, Urologist-Andrologist Surgeon, Curator of the 1st Urology Clinic of Metropolitan General and Doctor of the University of Athens, EKPA, talks to ygeiamou about the value of Fusion biopsy of the prostate, but also the advantages of robotic prostatectomy Prostate cancer has reached epidemic proportions in recent years and is the … Read more

The laparoscopic technique that prevents the spread of malignancy

[ad_1] Mr. Ioannis Raptis, Obstetrician, Gynecologist, Laparoscope and Scientific Associate of MITERA explains the advantages, as well as the necessity of removing fibroids laparoscopically using a special segmentation bag Malignancy is found in 1 in 300 women who undergo laparoscopic (endoscopic) removal of fibroids. In this case, segmentation of the fibroid greatly worsens the prognosis … Read more

Everything parents need to know

[ad_1] ​What do we define as delayed puberty? For what reasons does puberty occur in a child? Mrs. Maria Karantza, Paediatrician-Endocrinologist, Deputy Director of Pediatrics-Adolescent Endocrinology Clinic and MITERA Children’s Diabetes answers every question about early and late puberty Adolescence or puberty is the process in which the child’s physical, psychological and hormonal development progresses … Read more

Advances in surgical treatment with the most modern techniques

[ad_1] In order to start a correct treatment program preoperatively, it is not enough to know its result cytological examinationwhich only informs whether the cells are healthy or not, but it is necessary to carefully evaluate it Histology which, as I often tell my patients, allows us to accurately understand the characteristics of breast cancer. … Read more

The “golden” alternative to IVF

[ad_1] Mr. Nikolaos Bardis, Obstetrician Gynecologist and Specialist in Assisted Reproduction at the HYGEIA IVF EMBRYOGENESIS Unit talks to ygeiamou about the advantages of in vitro fertilization with minimal stimulation or mini IVF MINI IVF or rather Mini Stimulation IVF is the stimulation of the ovaries in the context of in vitro fertilization or egg … Read more

Discover the 50-somethings being pushed from everywhere

[ad_1] The people who belong to “sandwich generation” is against average age 40-65 years. Although the research data on this specific topic is not sufficient and the situation is not exactly the same in all European countries, in Greece, with its unbreakable family ties, it is very common to meet people belonging to this age … Read more

The chronic syndrome with the strongest facial pain

[ad_1] Trigeminal neuralgia (NT) is a chronic neuropathic pain syndrome affecting the facial region. Considered maybe the strongest pain, probably because the facial area has a very dense distribution of sensory nerve endings per square centimeter. It constitutes her more frequent facial neuralgia and occurs mainly in women aged 50-70 yearswithout, of course, cases in … Read more