Five Aromatic Herbs That Fight Bloat and Flatten the Belly


Discover favorite and aromatic herbs that can fight annoying bloating and give you a flat stomach

The unpleasant feeling of abdominal flatulence, the well-known bloating, causes discomfort, while at the same time it almost doubles the circumference of the waist making our belly look big and leading us to unwanted changes in our wardrobe.

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, the most common digestive disorder affecting adults in the Western world.

Most people know which foods give them flatulence and avoid them in an attempt to combat the problem. If the problem is frequent and disrupts the sufferer’s daily life, it is recommended to visit the doctor and follow the instructions he will give you.

Traditionally there are some herbs that relieve the symptoms and “deflate” the swollen belly. Here are suggestions from nature’s apothecary that you could try and incorporate into your overall effort to get a more… flat stomach.

Consume the herbs in the form of a decoction – this means you pour a teaspoon of the herb into a cup of water and boil it together. Do not exceed two infusions per day

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Peppermint (Mentha piperita) has a digestive effect and is traditionally used to relieve digestive problems, including symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It relaxes the bowel, relieves pain and reduces bloating. In many Eastern peoples, its decoction is served after a meal, as it aids digestion and freshens the breath. Along with chamomile and anise, it is often included in herbal blends for drinks that aid digestion.


This herb is considered a good choice for those who often suffer from indigestion, have stomach pain and feel that their stomach “grabs” when under pressure, stress and anxiety. It has a lemony aroma with notes of mint. It is also often recommended to combat stress and insomnia.


Mint, like mint, has a relaxing effect, “softens” the stomach and relieves heartburn and bloating.


Anise seeds act as an antispasmodic and mild laxative. It also relieves stomach pain.


The humble chamomile gets its name from its low growth – apple of the ground. It is considered one of the most useful medicinal plants, with a mild action that is recommended to everyone. After a meal that caused us to be bloated, an ideal decoction to soothe heartburn is chamomile. In addition, it also has a slightly diuretic effect.

Foods to avoid

Bloating foods are not the same for everyone, however there are some that have been observed to generally promote bloating. We just have to find out which of the following annoy us and avoid them when we plan to put on a tight outfit that will highlight our belly: Lentils, beans, chickpeas, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, peppers , peas, cucumbers, onions, carbonated drinks, corn, whole wheat products, milk, soft cheese, ice cream, packaged foods containing lactose.

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