Study reveals why he “prefers” women

[ad_1] A team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine say they may have found the mechanism that explains the “preference” of this autoimmune condition in women The Autoimmune Diseases they are still, to a large extent, uncharted waters for scientists, who are in a constant process of searching for the causes … Read more

An enemy that can be defeated

[ad_1] Breast cancer may be the most common type of cancer among women in the Western world, but mortality from the disease has decreased significantly in recent years. It is estimated that from 1989 to 2015 mortality has decreased by 40%. This fact is attributed to many factors, such as the awareness of women, and … Read more

The habit that kills – It’s not smoking

[ad_1] Sedentary life can literally kill us. Fortunately, however, dealing with the risk is surprisingly simple As the world evolves, the technology is growing more and more. This progress has two aspects: On the one hand, it comes to facilitate our lives and make our everyday life simpler and on the other hand this simplification … Read more

The tasty mixture that strengthens the sperm

[ad_1] A mixture of three delicious fruits is effective in terms of sperm count and motility, a new scientific study claims. See what the researchers found Many environmental and lifestyle factors have at times been considered responsible for its deterioration sperm qualitywith the diet to be one of those most identified in recent years. In … Read more

Stick out your tongue and find out with 94% accuracy if you will get sick

[ad_1] How artificial intelligence brought a 2,000-year-old medical practice to the fore to diagnose diseases A practice rooted in Chinese herbal medicine for more than two millennia found itself at the forefront of modern healthcare, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI); The reason for using the tongue as a diagnostic tool to detect various ailments. Language-related … Read more

Research reveals effect of dietary sodium on blood pressure

[ad_1] The Doctors of the Therapeutic Clinic of the EKPA School of Medicine summarize the results of a recent study on the effect of sodium intake on blood pressure values Dietary recommendations for sodium are debated in part because of the variable blood pressure response to sodium intake. Furthermore, the effect of dietary sodium on … Read more

This is the secret to enjoying them

[ad_1] Feeling like hitting the mountains lately? A newer study urges you to, not only for your health, but also to boost creativity and well-being Returning to nature warrants further study if we are to ensure an overall quality of life with health and well-being. According to a study of 2,000 adults with the participation … Read more

4 small changes in walking reveal the disorder

[ad_1] Four obvious or subtle changes in the way we walk can reveal brain health Many, but not always obvious signs will reveal that the dementiathe disorder we most automatically associate with memory but also affects thinking, speech and orientation, often causing personality changes. Dementia is a clinical expression of many neurodegenerative diseases such as … Read more

Antidepressants in the morning or at night? What is the best time to download them

[ad_1] Does the action of antidepressants change depending on the time of administration? Experts answer about the correct use of antidepressants The classes of antidepressants differ and, depending on their active ingredients, could affect the daily life of sufferers. The time you choose to take them ultimately depends on the type of drug you are … Read more