This sandwich “loves” our hearts


Prepare your sandwich smartly and you will have made a snack “friendly” to your heart

You probably already know which foods are bad for your cardiovascular system, which include cold meats, fatty meats, sauces and fried foods. But how well do you know which foods are good for your heart? If you wanted to prepare a heart-friendly sandwich, what would it contain?

Experts give us the answer and explain that specific nutrients – such as potassium, good fats and antioxidants – benefit the cardiovascular system and should not be missing from our daily table. Based on their advice, see what this healthy sandwich should include:

Wholemeal bread
Whole grains are important sources of fiber, their increased consumption has been associated with better regulation of blood pressure and cholesterol.

Lettuce or tomato
Other important sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables, so be sure to add a slice of lettuce or two slices of tomato to your sandwich.

Olives or salmon
Together with the oil, it is a rich source of monounsaturated fats that belong to the good fatty acids with a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Nuts and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are even beneficial in polyunsaturated fats, which are rich in ω-3, a special category of beneficial polyunsaturated fats.

Low-fat cheese
Calcium is a mineral particularly important for proper heart function. The best source of it is dairy, but it is recommended to prefer low-fat or semi-fat to avoid the saturated animal fats they contain.

Combine the sandwich with a fruit such as banana, orange, plums and raisins which are sources of potassium which contributes to the better regulation of blood pressure, as well as antioxidants which “neutralize” harmful free radicals which destroy the body’s cells .

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