What concerns Generation Z and Millenials in Europe


New research reveals what motivates and worries young people in twelve European countries. According to the research, the elimination of cancer, sexual health, but also gender equality are key points that concern young people in Greece – Read the conclusions

A new study explored the thoughts and opinions of young Europeans about emotional health, sustainability, innovation, health, family, and other interesting topics. The survey was entitled “Emotional Health of Generation Z and Millennials: What Motivates Young Europeans?” and 7,500 young people, 19-25 (generation Z) and 26-36 (Millennials) years old, from 12 European countries including Greece (Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal).

As it turned out, the 88% of Generation Z and Millennials characterize the emotional health as the most important aspect of their lives, while almost 8 out of 10 (76%) discuss it with each other and it concerns them regularly. Young Europeans rate equally high (87%) and their physical health and they choose them as their main self-care tool regular medical examinations (almost 1 in 3); Respectively, 8 out of 10 claim that the source they trust most for information about their health is the health personnel.

As for the future they envision for healthcare, the 71% of young Europeans would like to see research treated more as an investment than a cost, at the same time that bigger challenges they would like to eliminate if they could travel back in time consider the cancer (39%) and climate change (33%). At the same time, the 65% of Europeans, aged 19-36, would like more information about infertility, while if they could convince world leaders of anything, they would prioritize increasing funding for medical research (4 out of 10) and supporting health education and prevention.

The research also shows that the generation Z and the Millennials of Europe, are very or somewhat (7 out of 10) worried about environmental issues with 25% stating that their concern is the reason that leads them to more sustainable lifestyle choices. Alongside, if they lived in an ideal world, 7 out of 10 would like to have a family, while in the ranking of issues related to reproductive health, sexual health (42.5%), the different forms of assisted reproduction (32.4%) and the causes of infertility (29.5%) stood out.

What did the Greeks answer?

Of particular interest are the data obtained from the responses of Greek Gen Zs and Millennials, who recorded the higher percentage (93%) among Europeans in the importance they give to their emotional health, while at the same time, jointly with the Portuguese and the Spanish, they had the highest pan-European percentage (84%) in the importance that gender equality has for them.

According to the survey, the percentage of young Greeks who consider the eliminating cancer as the most important challenge for the future (58%), it is the highest recorded among participants from the 12 European countries. Finally, young Greeks are the ones who are most interested (53%) in it sexual health as an issue related to the issues of reproduction and fertility, while together with the British, 27% indicated disconnection from technological means as the way they prefer to safeguard their health.

The research was carried out by Merck and as pointed out by Susan King-Barnardo, Managing Director and General Manager for Merck in Greece and Cyprus, “50% of our employees belong to Generation Z and Millennials. Our future employees and partners are part of these generations. Therefore, one of our goals is to listen to the younger generations, to learn about their concerns and desires and to fit into our agenda. They are our future.”

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